Due to a product update, you will find two versions of the assembly and user manual here. Please choose the version that corresponds to your order date.
Please use version A2 of the User Manual if you ordered the Aero Hydration System / Bundle / Bundle + on or after December 20, 2024 (order date!).
Please read the user manual carefully and follow the steps listed therein exactly.
Please use version A1 of the User Manual if you ordered the Aero Hydration System / Bundle / Bundle + on or before December 19, 2024 (order date!).
Please read the user manual carefully and follow the steps listed therein exactly.
This video shows the installation using the Canyon Speedmax CF as an example for illustration purposes. It is intended solely for illustration and does not replace the user manual!
Please note that the installation and the required components may vary depending on the bike and stem model. You can find all the details in the user manual.
You can attach the magnet Velcro tape to a position of your choice. Here we show you how it works.